Dimitris Kokkoris
Dimitris is a man of exploration and expedition. His curiosity and restlessness endlessly fuel his quench for creativity. In and out of work he is stimulated by two pillars. To function outside the walls of an office and whatever he creates, to leave a positive impression on others.
He fell in love and studied visual communication, working in the field for 15 years. His passion nonetheless will always be nature and interacting with fellow humans – two core elements driving his inspiration. For 10 years he has been a key member of TEDxAthens, he helps organize major charity festivals and through his projects, he contributes to sensitive social groups.
The last 5 years he has been organizing adventure tourism programs in Greece, while also acting as a key executive of Summit, where he designs and implements corporate events and team-building programs. His latest project is called WeareJarvis. This ambitious project brings together a group of creative and dynamic people who wish to implement innovative and creative experiences in the designing of conferences.